In One Number There are Two Meanings
The Kiss of Betrayal
The number 11 symbolizes imperfection, confusion, disorganized, incoherent, baffling, and simply being a mess.
Waiting and the Number Twenty
Number 11 and Babel
Heavens and Water – Numbers and Color
Numbers and Colors are used by God to teach us about water and heaven . . .
Twelve and Twenty-Four
Bits and Pieces is just that. A little bit taken from a post, and a piece taken from another post. A bit here and a piece there all gathered into many bits and pieces to add to your understanding of the beauty of scriptural math.
Chapters labeled with the Number 13
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Third Day in Prophecy
Israel is prophetically tied to the third day. As Christ’s resurrection was on the third day, so also Israel will be resurrected to live again in the third day.
Here is the interesting point SEVEN (7) times my beloved Son is recorded in the New Testament. Of course, it HAD to be SEVEN, because SEVEN represents or symbolizes God’s perfection, God in His COMPLETE PERFECTION.
Living Water and the #3
Why is the number 3 connected to the words LIVING WATER?
Quotes – September 2021
A ship in the harbour is safe; but that is not what a ship is for. – Proverb source unknown. – Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, J. B. Stoney and others.
Quotes – August 2021
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. – Proverb source unknown. Also quotes by Adolph Saphir, Charles J. Rolls, C. H. Macintosh, and others.