Satan and his number of minus 3 (-3)

The following post is taken in part from The Genesis Epic called Enoch – Part 1 – Genesis 5:1-32. CLICK HERE to be safely redirected to this article.


   There were two men named Enoch, the Enoch of the line of Cain is mentioned 3 times in the Old Testament. The number three is primarily connected with the perfection and completeness of the Godhead, however, there is also the thought that within each number there lies a contrasting element. (A reminder that in our numbering system there are two sides to the same number: there is a positive number, and a number to the negative side. Even in this we see a spiritual connection. Satan is the great counterfeiter; he attempts to make a copy of the original, a close replica works for him. We see this in the numbers in the negative side of our math system: same number as in the positive side but without the same meaning, and without the same power and truth.) We see this here with the Enoch of Cain. In the number of his name being mentioned three times in the New Testament we understand that man is solidly and completely opposed to God. The natural man (the line of Cain out of Adam) is entirely and totally consumed by sin. Sin dwells in man, within his DNA is the string of sin. He cannot escape from sin, he cannot reform himself, sin is man, and man is sin; herein is the number 3 working within mankind: the world, the flesh and the devil: the three points of opposition against God.

  Cain’s name is recorded seventeen (17) times in the Old Testament, and as the number three can be  a negative number, so also is the number seventeen. CLICK HERE and you will be redirected to the number seventeen to understand how these two numbers are connected to negativity. 



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