Quotes – July 2021


July 2021

My responsibility is that of a Christian. I am to walk as one, because I am one, not that I may be one. – J. N. Darby (1800 – 1882)

When I turned myself over to God, I took my life out of the hands of an idiot. – Proverb source unknown

If God’s Word is not sufficient without human interpretation, then it cannot be God’s Word at all. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

When you live in the past, it costs you the present. – Proverb source unknown

Christ was manifested to breath life back into man to make man a new creation completely separated from the old, and to return His creation to the glory of Christ. – Michael Haigh

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26;3)

We (Christians) are destined to embrace entirely His divine nature, be endowed with His perfections and enriched with His beauty. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)

Sometimes the majority only means all the fools are on the same side. – Proverb source unknown.

As surely as you tamper with the world, so surely will you drift away to its level. –J. N. Darby (1800 – 1882)

God hath spoken” . . . A living God and a loving God must needs speak. The god of the philosopher is a silent God, for he hath neither life nor affection; but our God, who created the heavens and the earth, who is and who loves, must speak. – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5) This world of imagination is the realm where Satan thrives and flourishes in his attempt to extinguish the flames of truth and substance; where make-believe becomes fact, and fact becomes fantasy. – Mary Haigh

. . . it was Christ the Creator who determined the bounds of national habitation, diverted the stream of civilization from its channel and deflected the trend of human aspiration from the terrestrial to the celestial. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)

On His resurrection, the Lord Jesus would be raised as the new Man of resurrection, and this would be flesh and bone. Note the absence of the mention of blood. In the power of His resurrection there would no longer be the need for blood for once He offered Himself without sin, without spot unto God, His new resurrected form was flesh and bone. – Michael Haigh – Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. (Luke 24:39)

Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. – Cree proverb

The Lamb on the throne . . . sums up all Scripture history and prophecy, all Scripture doctrine and consolation; this fulfills all Scripture types; for here is the sacrifice, the sanctuary, and the royal High Priest. – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891)

Second place is first loser. – Proverb source unknown.

On one of the most crucial and strategic roads in history, the Son of God, sent forth His glory, and blinded Saul/Paul. This blindness confirms this battle between the Lord Jesus and Satan because the Lord covered (symbolically) the eyes of Saul with the scales of the serpent, the old serpent, the devil. – Michael Haigh – And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. (Acts 9:18)

Selective diversity is just another term for a picky hypocrite. – Mary Haigh


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