Connecting the dots

In the number six (6) we have the number of man. The first foretold universal judgment upon man comes in the 6th chapter of Genesis. The most complete prophecy of a Savior comes from God in the Book of Isaiah that has 66 chapters — God’s message to man. The Bible has 66 books — God’s complete revelation to man. And the last name mentioned by God is the man of sin, whose number is 6-6-6. Tell me, who can contrive such mathematical purity in one book, and with one number. This is only one instance of the supernatural work of the Spirit of God in the Word of God.

This is a paragraph taken from an article titled: Inside the Word. To read the entire article  CLICK HERE  – you will be redirected to one of our safe sites. 


Also, the word ‘ungodly’ is recorded six (6) (six, the number of man) times in the book of Jude emphasizing man’s true state and moral condition. (This sentence is taken from the article about Enoch), to read more CLICK HERE.


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