An Opportunity

   In case you have missed all our typos or the grammatical errors, we announce here that we have made a few. Surprise . . . we are not going to apologize! We (meaning the two of us) have to work quickly, and many times we are interrupted in the middle of our proofreading, and guess what, we have the typical senior moments of not remembering where we left off. However, these moments are not really senior moments because we have had these memory glitches all of our lives. Haven’t you? Sometimes we are able to make corrections a few hours or days after the articles have been posted, but many times we have never been able to get back to reread our articles. You know how life seems to keep moving on, and I’m sure that you also have experienced life just getting in the way. We accept this with grace, and hope that those of you who are strong enough  to get through all the massive amounts of reading will also get an opportunity to show grace toward our failings as post authors. So whenever you read our articles think of it as an opportunity . . .  an opportunity  to display grace.

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