I stand amazed at the super of the natural in the supernatural language of God. Here in the math of the address of where God plants His thoughts and revelations we have a simple number structure of design and placement.
(I know what you are thinking, that this is going a bit too far with the address numbers.) Verse numbering of the Old Testament did not come until Rabbi Nathan and later adapted into the Bible. The New Testament verse structure did not come into existence until Robert Stephens and was later published by him in 1551. My point in using them as spiritual types is that since the Scriptures were authored by God the Holy Spirit, He knew before the foundation of the world all about chapter and verse structure. He knew that the Holy Scriptures would be read in many different languages, and by many different cultures. He knew, and His knowledge did not end when the last word was penned. His revelation through His written word to man did not end when the last word was penned, please note that I said ‘through His written word.’ I don’t want this to become a treatise on revelation, but I have to add this, what do you think Christianity is — it is revelation. Have you never read a section of Scripture many times and then in one second you see something that you never saw before, guess what, that is revelation. God reveals Himself to man, God reveals Himself to the new born child of God. And because of revelation, we understand that we have a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit — that is Christianity, it is not a religion, it is revelation by God, and it is relationship with God. My God is BIG. He is quite able to use all (that is words, creations, numbers, types, and yes, even paragraph and verse structure) to reveal Himself. There is no end to the revelation of God.
I cannot reinforce enough that we should approach the use of numbers cautiously and without obsession. As 8 notes of music can play many tunes, so also, numbers can reveal many lessons and types in their placement. It is not the numbers that we need to focus on but the One who is all-in-all. The numbers are but dots that lead and connect to a central theme. As the human body has electrical, magnetic, and chemicals relays and switches that control all that moves and flows within the body including fluids and blood; the Great Engineer, God Himself, has placed similar relays and switches such as types, numbers, word meanings that allow the student of the Word of God to travel through time from Genesis to Revelation. As the Word of God lives and breathes by the energy of the Holy Spirit, our bodies are examples of a self-contained battery system. We (our bodies) are the first batteries. We run by electricity, the chemicals within us develop electrical impulses (very basic explanation)— so we in reality are our own battery. Our nerve system can be considered the switches that maintain movement within our bodies. The Word of God is a huge battery system similar to our bodies — there is constant movement of life and light — all energizing and stimulating us to travel on to the next relay or to the next revealing of the Living Word by His written Word.
  Scripture is intricately woven by the Master Weaver; therefore, various subjects and categories frequently become tightly connected.  Numbers become interwoven with the Supernatural, and the Supernatural becomes interwoven with Numbers.  This article is an excerpt from Genesis 4:3-8, Part 3, The Blood and the Lamb, Part 1.
 © Copyright 2016, Mary Haigh
Article may be used, but not for gain. “Freely ye have received, freely give.”
All Scripture references are from the Authorized King James Bible. (KJV)