Quotes – August 2019

Many say that there is ‘some good’ within all; however, if there is ‘some good’ then there must be ‘some evil.’ It has never been the measure of ‘some good’ that God speaks of, but His measure of evil that determines God’s condemnation and judgment against mankind. Mary Haigh – Also quotes by A. Pink, Sir Robert Anderson, and more.

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Quotes – July 2019

Yes, Christians are really peculiar. We are a people who are not of this world, we are a peculiar people that the world cannot understand. We are peculiar because we belong to an unseen God whom we love. We are peculiar because we know He resides in our hearts, in our souls,  in our spirit, and we have within us the actual knowledge of the Spirit of Christ. Michael Haigh –Also quotes by many others.

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