The Last Numbers in Scripture
What is the hidden message in the last book of the Bible, in the last Chapter, in the last verse, and in the last word in the Bible?
What is the hidden message in the last book of the Bible, in the last Chapter, in the last verse, and in the last word in the Bible?
Numbers do not stand alone. Every number is connected to the number before and the number after . . . spiritually each number tells a story about the numbers around it.
Numbers tell a story, numbers do not lie, we have negative numbers and positive numbers . . . what in the world does this have to do with God and His written word . . . and how does one man (named Enoch) have to do with all of this . . . turn the page and find out.
The majority of mankind under the delusion and control of ‘science falsely so called’ are earnestly waiting to receive the first message of contact from a world beyond ours. Guess what — we have already been contacted — and we have already received the very first message from a world beyond ours — and we refuse to believe it!