The Sum of All Things

God does not  hide the knowledge of Himself from mankind. He wants us to know the mysteries of the Holiness of God. He showed Moses the pattern of the things in heaven. He shows us (through the written Word of God) the mysteries within numbers, and the mysteries within His plan — nothing is hid from those who want to know the knowledge of the Holy. 

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Quotes – December 2018

The very scope of the plan of redemption is so elaborate, every tooth of the gears of sovereignty falls into place with divine accuracy. It is God’s will that is the driving shaft of the divine gears of truth. Truly, a wheel within a wheel bringing all things together, cementing the determinate counsels of God in the Man Jesus Christ, His beloved Son. Michael Haigh

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Quotes – October 2018

Our total being is unique for we have become a person within a person. We are a new race of people, a people of divine beings called the sons of God. This is one of God’s mysteries. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by others.

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