Quotes – May 2021

According to the majority of church goers there is one thing that God cannot do. He cannot keep the integrity of His Word, the Bible, especially the King James Bible because that is why they need another translation. God can create the universe, He can create the human race beginning with Adam, BUT He cannot keep and preserve His Word. Mary Haigh – Also quotes by Saphir, Darby and others.

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Lot and the Number 13

The Number thirteen (13) What is so amazing about the Bible is the numbering system. When you think that we have just read Genesis 13:13, what comes to mind? Evil personified. Not only in the duplication of the number 13, but what the number 13 represents. If we wanted to compare it to the evil world, and the evil world to come, we could compare it with Revelation Chapter 13, where the man of sin is revealed, and where he receives the number of his name: 6 – 6 – 6.

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Elim and the Number Seventy

The Holy Spirit reveals to us through the Word of God that there is a point when man is no longer sensitive to the call of God. He becomes a murmurer and murmurs against all that is of God. He murmurs against Jesus Christ in his blaspheme. He murmurs against the God of Abraham by denying His promises. He murmurs against the law for it constrains his evil heart. He becomes a man that is past feeling, and the Holy Spirit gives him up.

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